Historical Events

Pisan folklore

Date : 2018 January 13th
The Historical Events of Pisa are the re-enactment of games strongly linked to the history of the city, some of which were already very popular in medieval times. Apart from the Pisan New Year held in March, they are the historical events that take place in June , within the Pisan June. The Luminara, coinciding with the feast of the city patron, is certainly the best known, with over three hundred thousand people flocking to the Lungarni on the evening of June 16. The Gioco del Ponte, where the 12 historic districts of the city compete against each other, is the oldest, dating back to around 1000 AD. The regattas of the Palio di San Ranieri and the Historic ones conclude the events of June, with the challenges between rowing boats on the film Arno. The Pisan New Year, which opens the historical events, is held at the end of March.

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