
The feast of the patron

Date : 2016 December 21st
The Luminara di San Ranieri (Pisan vernacular for" luminaria ") is a city festival that takes place in Pisa on the evening of June 16 each year, the eve of San Ranieri, patron saint of the city. It is part of the June Pisan celebrations. Each year about 100,000 candles are placed on wooden frames (called linen) that draw the architectural forms of churches, palaces and towers along the Arno. This type of decoration, once very common, is now common only in Lucca and Pisa. The only exception to this scenario is the Tower of Pisa, equally archaically illuminated with oil pans, also located on the battlements of the city walls, in the stretch that encloses the Piazza del Duomo. The activity requires a hundred employees to be prepared. The celebrations in honor of the patron saint continue the following day in the waters of the Arno, where the "" Regata di San Ranieri "" is celebrated. Four boats, which are inspired by the frigates of the Medicean Order of the Knights of Santo Stefano, of the respective historic districts (Santa Maria, San Francesco, San Martino and Sant'Antonio, whose galleys are respectively called the light blue, the yellow, the red and the green) compete for the conquest of the Palio di San Ranieri. Bowmen have to climb a peak to reach the palio on top of the flagpole mounted on a barge in the middle of the river. The latest addition has a couple of ducks as a prize.

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